Dorm Room Update: Desk Area and Wall Decorations

At the beginning of the school year, I shared pictures of my sophomore dorm room.  Since then, I have made some small updates, particularly to the desk area and on the wall above my bed.  I really like how it looks now, so I thought I’d share the updates.

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The major difference is the painting on the top shelf.  My college friend Jess, who is a art/psych double major, painted this painting and gave it to me for Christmas.  It is one of my favorite pieces in the entire room.  I actually placed it here because I needed somewhere to put it, not intending for this to be its permanent place, but I ended up loving it here.  I also added a small mountain calendar, which fit perfectly between the two electrical lines to the right of the desk.

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And here are some details of the part below:

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Some organizational tips:

1. I love using my bulletin board (above the desk) to store my jewelry.  I just used pushpins as “hooks” for my bracelets, rings, and necklaces, and used two pushpins with thin wire wrapped around to store my earrings.  Everything is easily accessible and it looks nice as well.  I also love that my jewelry doesn’t get all tangled up.

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2. The white board helps me stay organized.  I use it for ongoing to-do lists and shopping lists.

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3. I use two separate shot glasses to store my chapstick and any coin change I have.  It makes it easy to empty my pockets at night and then find them again in the morning easily.

4. The only makeup I usually wear is mascara, so I store my mascara and eyelash curler in a large glass from the Hard Rock Cafe.  It works really well and keeps my makeup very easily accessible.

The other thing I wanted to share was the “posters” that I’ve added to the wall above my bed.  I had originally put up a poster/photo collage, which I still love and has stayed up well.  However, as a college sophomore, I was in need of some added encouragement/motivation.  One of my best friends from home sent me a couple of posters she made, and one of my college friends made another poster, so I put them up so I would see them each morning first thing and at night as the last thing I see.

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They’re not perfectly centered, but I love them!

Pretty much everything used is old, so I don’t have much of a sources list.  The lamp was from Walmart, the turtle sculpture was from the gift store at Muir Woods in California, and pretty much everything else was thrifted or gifted.  The landscape painting was done by my friend Jessica Brower.